epiR leaf plot

An interactive version of Coulthard and Coulthard (2019)'s leaf plot as a novel way of presenting the value of diagnostic tests.


Coulthard MG, Coulthard T (2019) The leaf plot: a novel way of presenting the value of tests. British Journal of General Practice. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp19X702113

Stevenson M, Nunes T, Heuer C, Marshall J, Sanchez J, Thornton R, Reiczigel J, Robison-Cox J, Sebastiani P, Solymos P, Yoshida K, Jones G, Pirikahu S, Firestone S, Kyle R (2021) epiR: Tools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data . R package version 2.0.19.

Veterinary Epidemiology @ Melbourne: https://fvas.unimelb.edu.au/ve@m/